Friday 13 June 2014

How to make a basic fishtail loom band

Hey my lovelies! There's a new craze going round: loom bands!! And I thought that it would be a great idea to write a tutorial on how to make the basic fishtail. This is without any equipment, all you need are your little loom bands and joints then you're completely ready. So let's begin my lovelies :)...

1. To begin grab your first loom band. Wrap it around two of your fingers (preferably not fingers on the hand you write with) in a figure of eight.

2. Add another band on top of that but just normally. Do the same again.

3. Now this is the only part that threw me. Take the bottom band and pull it over the two top ones, you should then add another band normally.    

4. Continue doing this until reached the desired length and always make sure you have three bands on your fingers before pulling the bottom band over the two top bands (confusing).

So that is how you make a basic fishtail loom band. I wish you the best of luck, if you really like these and would like to get more advanced click here

Julia and Elsie

Monday 9 June 2014

Happy little things| Part 1

Hello my lovelies! Today i'm going to be starting a new series it will be called happy little things. I have seen this on other blogs such as: Reverie Lane and Butterfly Fly Away and I very much liked the idea. Happy little things will describe 100 simple things that make me happy, I shall write 10 things in every part over a course of 10 parts. This shall be my first. Hope you enjoy! :)

#1 Swimming

#2 Friends

#3 Being Smiled at

#4 People laughing with you

#5 Ice Skating

#6 Unicorns

#7 My Hair

#8 People holding the door for you

#9 Giving Gifts

#10 My teddy anchor

So there we have it lovelies 10 of 100 of the little things that make me happy I would love to hear what you think of this! See you next time!


Sunday 8 June 2014


Hey there lovelies! Today is going to be a post about friends! I know what you might be thinking "Friends! BORING!", but hopefully this will be a fun post:) 
Friends come and go, and it's really hard to find that friend that supports you, cares about you and most of all... is loyal and respectful! A friend is someone that should bring that frown upside from your face, someone that supports your opinion and is not taking a slight thing over the top. My bff and I have been best friends for only a few months but we connected right away! So we hope one day you will find a friend and connect with them just as much as me and my bff do!! xxx


Saturday 7 June 2014


Hello lovelies! So this is a warm welcome from... Elsie Bee:) We know that if we work hard this blog will be really popular! So this is just a thank you for taking the time to hopefully follow this blog!!! We will post any-time something interesting happens, because I cannot keep to a time table:) So we hope you enjoy my future posts!!!
