Friday 13 June 2014

How to make a basic fishtail loom band

Hey my lovelies! There's a new craze going round: loom bands!! And I thought that it would be a great idea to write a tutorial on how to make the basic fishtail. This is without any equipment, all you need are your little loom bands and joints then you're completely ready. So let's begin my lovelies :)...

1. To begin grab your first loom band. Wrap it around two of your fingers (preferably not fingers on the hand you write with) in a figure of eight.

2. Add another band on top of that but just normally. Do the same again.

3. Now this is the only part that threw me. Take the bottom band and pull it over the two top ones, you should then add another band normally.    

4. Continue doing this until reached the desired length and always make sure you have three bands on your fingers before pulling the bottom band over the two top bands (confusing).

So that is how you make a basic fishtail loom band. I wish you the best of luck, if you really like these and would like to get more advanced click here

Julia and Elsie


  1. My God...such a cute band out of those simple rubber bands...lovedddd your idea dearie :)

    1. Thanks I will be making more stuff like this, maybe you can check it out? I will certainly look up your blogs; they sound amazing!
      Julia and Elsie
